Episode 11: My Manifesting Hack That Gets You Results Within 30 Days Oct 31, 2023

I’ve been getting a tug to share with you a memory that keeps coming up for me, and in this episode, you’ll hear all about something that I experienced and the profound lessons I took from it. I’ll be sharing how I got a job at Disneyland as a 17-year-old, and it’s...

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Episode 10: What Are Chakras Oct 16, 2023

Are there things in your spiritual toolbox that you have long forgotten about? Inside of my signature coaching program, Raise Your Vibration, I take you on a journey to fill your spiritual toolbox and to increase your frequency, and in this episode, I share how to do it by opening your heart...

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Episode 09: Here Is The Biggest Trick Your Mind Will Play On You To Keep You Stuck In The 3D Oct 03, 2023

We just returned from a trip to Sedona to celebrate by brother’s birthday, and it was three days of fun that honestly just took me back to my childhood. I absolutely love my family and these special times we have together, and it got me thinking about today’s topic, gratitude.


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Episode 08: Discover Which of The Five Clairs Are You? Sep 26, 2023

Have you ever said to yourself, ‘I want to see auras?’ In this episode, I’m diving into the 5 clairs, and specifically the sensing of auras around you. This is something that is so important, and I’ve talked about it recently on my secret podcast and my free workshop,...

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Episode 07: How a Successful Business Owner Uses Intuition In Her Business Sep 19, 2023

If you’re a business owner, then you’re really going to enjoy today’s episode! I’m bringing you a very special guest, Monica Little, who is a Raise Your Vibration student, and we are having a conversation on her journey through my signature coaching program. In this...

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Episode 06: Let’s Talk Intuition Sep 12, 2023

For this episode I want to take a deeper dive into what intuition is, as it’s something that I’ve leaned on extensively in my past and I continue to do so today. I reveal how intuition is a foundation for making decisions, but it requires the feminine energy and the structure that...

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Episode 05: How an RYV student Connected with Her Intuition Consistently Sep 05, 2023


Today I have a fun case study episode for you, where Diana Sofia is here to share about her journey of joining Raise Your Vibration to feel more connected to Source!

Diana is a Hypnotherapist and Subconscious Reprogramming Coach. She specializes in helping coaches, entrepreneurs and...

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Episode 04: Why I Created This Podcast For You Aug 28, 2023


 As you heard in last week’s episode, creating a podcast was something that was on my heart for some time, and I shared about how I got clear and intentional about making this desire a reality. In today’s episode, I want to go further and talk about the reasons why I...

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Episode 03: Being Intent Aug 22, 2023

Today’s episode is a special one, and it was actually supposed to be the first episode of this new podcast that I released. This wasn’t’ an easy one to record for me though, and you’ll hear why today. I talk about being intent with whatever it is you want to create. I...

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Episode 02: Raising Intuitive Children Aug 16, 2023


Today I’m talking about something that is so very important, and that is raising intuitive children. Intuition is a birthright and each of us is born intuitive, and as parents, we want to help keep that intuitive door open for our children. 

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Episode 01: What Does Neutrality Really Mean? Aug 07, 2023

Have you ever been told that you’ve got to be ‘neutral’ in a certain situation? If so, maybe you’ve asked yourself what this even means. In this very first episode of The Intuitive Frequency Podcast, I share a personal story about a recent event where I needed to embody...

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